
Wednesday, February 29, 2012


How does one decide what is real?  What is truth and what is fiction?

It still floors me some days how much the motivational bs they tried to sell us in high school has proven true. And equally surprised it took so long to see it. Like the quote involving a glass that is either half full or half empty or the one with raining lemons. I once felt that life was defined by what you accomplish but am finding it is more sharply defined by the perspective one chooses. Then I step back and think to myself what do I really know about life? 

I recall being younger and driving back home from Superior as a passenger with my dad.  The day was a sunny one and we were going past the home with a giant field between it and the highway that always had a white picket fence around it, stretching the length of the property.   That day I was stunned when I realized how many people were in the world living out their own lives, with so many different thoughts and ideas and troubles.  It was a huge revelation for me.  I think I even tried to explain it to my dad during that car ride, but I didn't get the reaction I wanted.  Just an acknowledgment that yes there are a lot of folks in the world, what's new about that?  Though I dare say part of the problem was my lack of skill in expressing the idea.  

It's humbling when you really stop to think about it.  It gives you pause to possibly see that no, you don't have it all that bad, despite how many people you think have it better.  

Some days I feel hopelessly lost in my own thoughts.  Like when I'm driving and someone cuts me off.  At first I react and think WTF?  Did they really just do that?  Then I think about it.  Do you think they saw me?  What might be going on in their life that could make them so distracted or thoughtless?  Was I speeding and they thought I was going slower?  Do they have an emergency somewhere? And then the anger is forgotten and my mind wonders onto another topic, be it whats on the radio or what I need to go grocery shopping for. 

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Gay Marriage?

Now I understand that this is a hot topic.  Not one that is easy to agree on either, even inside of families.  I personally don't love or hate gay marriage.  I will however stand up for their right to it.  To reference the article, marriage was a thing before Christianity and they do not have sole rights to the term.  Also, as you can see, the idea of what marriage means to not only our country but to people in general has changed dramatically since it's first incarnation and will no doubt continue the trend of change as time marches on. I'm for one very thankful I am no longer considered a piece of property and have the right to vote.  

The main reason people have a right to marriage(gay or otherwise) in our country is our constitution.  Which I might add was very well thought out and way ahead of it's time.  Essentially though, it very thoroughly states one, a separation of church and state and two, the right to freedom of religion.  That being stated I would never dream to even think that you or your church should be required to sanction that which they may hold as a sin or even an abomination.  Never.  I do expect our government however to recognize any marriage between two consenting adults, irrespective of race, sex, or religion.     

It boggles me that it wasn't that long ago that interracial marriage was against the law.  Though because it's no longer illegal it gives me hope that eventually people will see past their differences in faith and allow people to be treated equally under our government. Let's be realistic, a civil union is just an attempt to segregate a person because of who they love.  If you must separate yourself from gays being allowed to "marry" why not call your own marriage a holy marriage or a Christian marriage?  I suppose it all comes down to a struggle over wordage.  Which to me is silly.  As you can call a rock by stone, pebble, or boulder but it doesn't change the fact that it's a rock.  

P.S. I like the word irrespective.  

Monday, February 27, 2012


You know... if President Obama failed to address the current situation it would just get worse which would put more of our soldiers lives at risk.  Trying to minimize the danger our troops are in while they are surrounded by a people known for being extreme about religion, isn't a bad thing.  

I fully believe that if the situation that is in the Middle East was the story of what was going on in America right now, it would be just as bad and we would demand an apology from the occupying leader.  For one moment just imagine that we were the up and coming country still going through civil war and had a foreign military force in our country with very different religious beliefs.  Then word got out that they were burning our bibles.  I can only imagine the anger and violence that would occur and it would probably be worse.  I dare say we would drive the occupying force out or die trying.  

Why those orders were given in the first place is a mystery to me.  What brilliant person didn't see this happening the moment word got out?  

In general I reject any "news" or "premise" that is aimed at causing fear and anger.  Not because there is nothing worth fearing or being angry about, but because those emotions block a persons ability to be reasonable.  A writer that does this makes me feel as if they are assuming I am incapable of reaching my own conclusions on a story and their attempt to make me accept theirs with this method is not acceptable. (Such as hinting that the foundation of my belief system is threatened because the President wants to try to protect the troops that are in the danger zone.)

Deep down though this whole situation just saddens me.  Hate begets hate, violence just begets more violence.  I pray everyday for the world as a whole to gain a deeper understanding for those we live with. I would pray for world peace but without a foundation of understanding and acceptance that peace would be fragile indeed.  

Friday, February 24, 2012


I find myself irritated by the world some days.  Mainly for how people seem to think, or lack there of.  But then maybe I just don't understand or know where they are coming from despite how asleep they seem.  I'm not particularly enlightened and still have a lot of room to grow myself in truth.

I think our schools need to do a better job of teaching us to think critically and lay off on fact memorization.  Or maybe, better yet, to think clearly.  To think for themselves.  I tried to help a friend do this once and almost succeeded but then they succumbed to peer pressure.  To those that need people to believe and think what they do.

It is better to think independently while respecting another's point of view, rather then to group think and insist your way is the only way.

Here's to hoping we all wake up and think clearly.